Thursday 31 January 2013

Blackberry 10

Hello, It's been a little while I know however onto the pressing issue, Blackberry have returned (boo)

Blackberry 10

Blackberry are back, Thorsten Heins has lead RIM through a pretty rough patch. The last couple of years have been nothing short of awful for them and this is their final shot at contending with the big boys at Apple and Samsung. Big changes are at hand including their stocks name change from $RIM to $BBRY though most standard users won't even see that as a real change. After seeing the event hosted in NYC at the beginning of the week I cant say I'm too excited to be honest as the software is concerned BB10 doesn't really have any major upgrades apart from they have refused to rule out it may well be available on non-BB devices (not sure why anyone would want that).


Of course the "heralding" of this new era for blackberry will of course see a new wave of devices hit the market which include a fully touchscreen device and a device with the standard QWERTY keyboard that the corporate world has come to know and love.

I hate to say it as well but the touchscreen phone is actually a bit of beauty considering its the spawn of RIM, I'm also normally more of a fan of black devices but the white here is actually pretty sweet. I would go as far to say better looking than an IPhone 5 (yeah I said it).

Can't say that much as far as the QWERTY device is concerned it looks pretty much exactly the same as their previous output except its finally caught up with the competition with features such as NFC and LTE etc (about time if you ask me)


Not bad, not bad at all but sadly not good enough. I personally don't think this is enough to save them from ultimate doom and it seems looking at stats than analysts in the cities agree. Sorry better luck next time Mr Heins (jokes, there won't be one).

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