Sunday 9 December 2012

The Steve Jobs Patent Is INVALID!!!!

The Steve Jobs Patent

The Steve Jobs patent is the patent that was files for the multi gesture touch screen in the first IPad. Apple's flagship patent that they have been throwing around all year has been tentatively invalidated by Foss Patents. Apple's Patent for the worlds first “touch screen device, method, and graphical user interface for determining commands by applying heuristics.” being rules invalid could have game changing effects on the whole Samsung Vs Apple Saga and could very actively determine the outcome.

This isn't the first time that this has happened to Apple however, the same thing happened back in october when their "bounce back scroll" patent was also named invalid. The bounce back scroll is when you scroll down and release to refresh a data or news feed of some form (typically the Native Twitter App).

The whole court / patent war between samsung and apple began when apple filed a law suit against samsung in regards to Samsung copying their Flag ship mobile phone and tablet (IPhone, IPad).

It's nice to see the underdogs score a point for once, I know this post will divide opinion however I feel that the whole case against samsung is invalid. For example, all PC monitors are rectangle with a screen and the same type of standard connectors, A tablet / smartphone also has a standard form factor.....a rectangle.....I just think the whole rivalry has gone a bit far to be honest and its not been made any better by spotty fanboys on forum pages fighting over it.

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