Sunday 18 November 2012

Fusion Drives

Apple's New Toy

Fusion Drives, what the hell is a fusion drive? It is actually a fantastic new innovation from Apple. I am not as I have previously said a massive Apple Fan however this is a fantastic idea and I really hope the guys over in Redmond take note.

What Is It?

A fusion drive is a hard drive. but not any ordinary hard drive, it is half standard HDD and half SDD. The idea is that all your data is stored to the HDD section of the hard drive and it is recalled from the SDD thus speeding up performance on your machine hugely. The first products I believe to be incorporating the new storage technology are the Late 2012 editions of the IMac's (which look stunning may I say).


A fantastic Idea from the guys in Cupertino and I am really hoping that these take off. They are well and truly the way forward and hopefully every manufacturer that wants to be taken seriously is raising their eyebrows and their game.

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