Sunday 18 November 2012

Windows 8 UPDATE

My Thoughts 

Windows 8, how great does it look? how fluid and intuitive is the UI? Yes. It pretty damn sweet. but its far from perfect. 

Upgrade or Fresh Install?

I upgraded my machine to W8, big, big mistake. I have downloaded so many games / torrents etc that my laptop was running pretty slowly. W8 was supposed to speed it up. which it has. to an extent though. Its pretty rapid but with a couple of CPU intensive apps open it can slow a little. I would highly recommend backing up all of your important data and do an entirely fresh install. It would keep things much simpler, yes maybe a little more time consuming but in the long run it will keep your machine running a lot quicker and a lot healthier. 

This is an image from the Windows 8 Install on my own Laptop

The Big Question

Should you do it?

Yes. and no. It depends really on how powerful your laptop is. Of course Microsoft give guidelines and advised specs on which you should be running it however you may want to make sure you're comfortably over the mark as its quite A heavy OS to run and can otherwise slow if your hardware isn't up to scratch. Another main point is that you should only really get this if you own or have installed on your laptop and multi gesture mouse as you can make the most of all the Multi Touch functions that are built into the OS, that said if you're that bothered about this then you may as well just buy a new Laptop / Tablet Hybrid or a Touch screen Monitor (which would be super awesome).


I am a fan. After pretty much a month of usage. I feel that £24 for an upgrade was quite a worthy steal. I wont be going back and I can't wait to see where they go with it in terms of new Apps for the market place or peripherals like the early Wedge Mice etc. If you are ready to try and learn an almost unrecognisable windows then do it and take the plunge as it most definitely will pay off.

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