Thursday 29 November 2012

Will Tablets Ever Replace The Desktop PC?

Yes. And No.

This is a question that is rearing its head time and time again across the world wide interweb and it seems no one has come to a real answer and sadly nor have I, for this is purely a question of opinion and function. With the Christmas holiday rapidly approaching its a question that you're guaranteed to be asking yourselves?

What Kind Of User Are You?

The Tablet Argument

 This is still no alternative to a beefy custom made gaming PC and the experience is different. If you are a casual surfer and social media fanatic then a tablet is more likely to be for you. This is more because of the portability aspect, Lighter and more ergonomic than a laptop better battery and generally less hassle + more features......If you're casual about your tech then and IPad is probably your best bet. Ah the hard working commuter and what for them? well lets face it they probably already have laptops provided by the company and they can be awkward to hold if you haven't got a seat on a train/bus whatever but as I found you can crack out a tablet and get stuck into a book/tv show/movie with out any problem. The Creative types? graphic designers/artists/fashionista's etc, your best bet is the Samsung Galaxy Note series, the built in S-Pen will provide you with everything you need (including build in Photo Shop Touch) and you can run a tablet into a meeting and take notes make diagrams (impress colleagues with your new found tech wizardry) Lets face it this probably applies to a lot of the Corporate community as well recently, given as more and more large organisations are recognising upwards trends in tablet / smartphone sales and thus implementing BYOD policies (bring your own device). This is causing lots of problems for IT but they don't mind, they're just glad you're getting in touch with your geeky side. Trust me I would know.

The PC/Laptop (The Anti-Tablet) Argument

Tablets are thin and pretty to look at (yes you IPad) but do they really get the job done properly? For some people the only real answer is no. Would you actually use a tablet over a PC / Laptop? well it entirely (well almost entirely) depends on what you would use it for? For example if you are into high end gaming then a tablet won't cut it. Don't get me wrong gaming on a tablet is rapidly increasing rapidly with bigger titles such as GTA and Deadspace being unleashed  onto tablets in quite spectacular fashion but its just not a real alternative.Ever since the typewriter people have become totally accustomed to typing with keys, hand writing is almost a lost art (well it is with me anyway). The world knows a keyboard, feels safe with one. They feel they can really crunch some numbers and get stuff done if they feel the keys beneath their fingers.....after years of adjustment we suddenly rock the boat with touch screen phones, that fine phones not to bad only have to text. Not too much of a taxing task but a tablet? emails, spreadsheets, word documents, shoppings lists? no. no, no,no,no NO. Too awkward (for some) it just doesn't work. For getting genuine work done it will always be a bog standard keyboard and mouse. It doesn't matter who brings out keyboard docks etc for their tablet products it just won't work. Though this is slowly changing, though it's not ready ready yet the seeds are in place in the form of recent Samsung and Apple products but they just aren't ready yet.

Budget Restrictions

High end tablets are expensive yes but that said so are High End PC's/Laptops. If you want the top end in quality then you will have to shell out the cash and there is never going to be a way round that (if only there was). If you want the latest and greatest then do your research early, save up and most importantly choose wisely. However on the flip side of the coin if you are as I mentioned earlier a casual user then the tablet it is an entirely sensible choice as you don't really need a high end laptop/PC and it would be a bit of a waste.


I love tablets, they look great and perform fantastically and they are certainly no fad like the netbook. But that said they are still essentially the fashion accessory of the tech world. 9 year old kids want IPads because the Californian marketing monster tells them they are hip and cool but are they don't get stuff done in the real world. I don't doubt for a second that Tablets will push PC's/Laptops into oblivion. They will eventually but they are just not ready yet. If you can afford a Tablet. Get one, if not then don't be too hasty. Your trusty PC is safe for now.

I would be interested to hear what you think on the matter so feel free to leave thoughts and share on FB/Twitter/Google+!

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